01 War in the Morning Warzone DMZ

Episode 1 December 13, 2022 00:53:17
01 War in the Morning Warzone DMZ
Thumbs United Streams
01 War in the Morning Warzone DMZ

Dec 13 2022 | 00:53:17


Show Notes

Originally recorded on Twitch 12-12-2022

Today we discus CT scans, Health Updates and Django Web Programming while trying to survive in War Zone DMZ beta



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Episode Transcript

1 0:00:00,000 --> 0:00:06,930 hello hello are about to get this 2 0:00:06,930 --> 0:00:14,760 party started i'm not good at this 3 0:00:16,320 --> 0:00:19,173 not in the slightest are not even 4 0:00:19,173 --> 0:00:23,400 going to do in emissions did too 5 0:00:25,140 --> 0:00:27,390 and then or probably gonna lose this 6 0:00:29,130 --> 0:00:38,700 weapon which is okay because i like 7 0:00:39,120 --> 0:00:58,230 the random weapons where so i usually 8 0:00:58,230 --> 0:01:03,150 don't do multiplayer but now i am 9 0:01:03,390 --> 0:01:06,480 i can of don't test me but 10 0:01:06,480 --> 0:01:11,250 i kept to myself in it he 11 0:01:11,250 --> 0:01:13,020 is that you know and try this 12 0:01:13,800 --> 0:01:18,480 who is free an a lot of 13 0:01:18,480 --> 0:01:22,980 fun so the rating we're gonna be 14 0:01:22,980 --> 0:01:27,000 doing is just trying to you get 15 0:01:27,000 --> 0:01:31,080 to the evacuation place and then leave 16 0:01:32,190 --> 0:01:36,390 i've been can be looting whatever we 17 0:01:36,390 --> 0:01:55,110 can go with okay hey i the 18 0:01:55,110 --> 0:01:57,090 last time i streamed was in november 19 0:01:57,090 --> 0:02:00,510 i couldn't believe it so let's happened 20 0:02:00,600 --> 0:02:04,110 i had the city's can't and that 21 0:02:04,110 --> 0:02:06,427 was eventful so if you don't know 22 0:02:06,427 --> 0:02:07,980 what is city can is it's not 23 0:02:07,980 --> 0:02:10,560 like and are i ah i never 24 0:02:10,560 --> 0:02:12,810 eyes like this giant machine and you 25 0:02:12,810 --> 0:02:16,950 go completely insider memorize are really allowed 26 0:02:18,810 --> 0:02:20,520 two and you have to be completely 27 0:02:20,520 --> 0:02:23,790 still and so our eyes a giant 28 0:02:23,820 --> 0:02:28,800 magnet stands for magnetic resonance imaging and 29 0:02:29,760 --> 0:02:32,130 why does it spins the magnet around 30 0:02:33,330 --> 0:02:36,390 and essentially fries you and you don't 31 0:02:36,390 --> 0:02:42,000 feel anything but the has a sensor 32 0:02:42,000 --> 0:02:43,589 on the other side magnet and it 33 0:02:43,589 --> 0:02:47,550 measures you know what the what is 34 0:02:47,550 --> 0:02:49,680 blocked by the magnet so things like 35 0:02:49,680 --> 0:02:53,670 bone and stuff is blocked ah to 36 0:02:53,670 --> 0:02:55,680 a certain degree and certain loves doctors 37 0:02:55,680 --> 0:02:58,230 to see insight you without having to 38 0:02:58,230 --> 0:03:02,730 take you apart and so let's see 39 0:03:02,730 --> 0:03:03,875 him or her and like i said 40 0:03:03,875 --> 0:03:06,150 it's really loud and because what it 41 0:03:06,150 --> 0:03:11,130 does is because they didn't until didn't 42 0:03:11,130 --> 0:03:15,300 it didn't turn to and and so 43 0:03:15,450 --> 0:03:17,670 last year i had never i have 44 0:03:17,670 --> 0:03:26,430 my an array of meyer the my 45 0:03:26,430 --> 0:03:32,580 head because as having kind of a 46 0:03:32,580 --> 0:03:36,930 lot of problems which three later discovered 47 0:03:38,280 --> 0:03:40,260 where's my migraines was or the reason 48 0:03:40,260 --> 0:03:41,940 why i didn't really think it was 49 0:03:42,660 --> 0:03:45,090 a migraine is i used have super 50 0:03:45,450 --> 0:03:48,420 powerful headaches and that was it they're 51 0:03:48,420 --> 0:03:54,962 just really bad headaches but now if 52 0:03:54,962 --> 0:03:56,610 i not their migraines as or is 53 0:03:56,640 --> 0:03:59,610 cause i get like visual disturbances and 54 0:03:59,760 --> 0:04:02,730 everything and sometimes hey you can go 55 0:04:02,730 --> 0:04:19,590 blind when it's a city skin is 56 0:04:19,620 --> 0:04:23,310 easier it's just kind of like a 57 0:04:23,310 --> 0:04:27,360 donor and it's feet you through so 58 0:04:27,360 --> 0:04:30,240 it's if you're claustrophobic it's not that 59 0:04:30,240 --> 0:04:34,860 big of a deal and it's fast 60 0:04:35,490 --> 0:04:36,960 so i went to my city scan 61 0:04:36,960 --> 0:04:56,700 the other day her attempts of pop 62 0:04:56,700 --> 0:05:24,210 out over here answer and so the 63 0:05:24,210 --> 0:05:34,710 city skin as for my abdomen and 64 0:05:34,710 --> 0:05:36,150 i was really thankful i got it 65 0:05:36,180 --> 0:05:39,480 because i've been having abdominal pain for 66 0:05:39,480 --> 0:05:42,390 a while and the problem is like 67 0:05:42,420 --> 0:05:44,970 it will come and get really intense 68 0:05:44,970 --> 0:05:47,850 for about a month and then like 69 0:05:47,850 --> 0:05:50,550 i can avoid doctors she might say 70 0:05:50,550 --> 0:05:51,960 it's funny cause it and going to 71 0:05:51,960 --> 0:05:58,320 them frequently and so link that's a 72 0:05:58,320 --> 0:06:08,820 bad debts then i'm going so often 73 0:06:09,360 --> 0:07:06,540 huh huh my control went haywire i 74 0:07:06,540 --> 0:07:34,590 know he's like over there somewhere oh 75 0:07:34,596 --> 0:07:36,900 man you can see what the problem 76 0:07:36,900 --> 0:07:39,780 is can take me forever to get 77 0:07:39,840 --> 0:07:58,650 to the exposure humor so they don't 78 0:07:58,710 --> 0:08:01,079 panic comes pretty quickly and then at 79 0:08:01,079 --> 0:08:05,220 last for a month sometimes two months 80 0:08:06,870 --> 0:08:09,360 ah but this past one started in 81 0:08:09,360 --> 0:08:13,685 november and it was really intense had 82 0:08:13,685 --> 0:08:15,780 to go to urgent care i got 83 0:08:15,780 --> 0:08:34,830 antibiotics which usually helps and then hence 84 0:08:34,830 --> 0:08:37,080 the i got the antibiotics and i 85 0:08:37,080 --> 0:08:39,420 had a hard time i was dreaming 86 0:08:39,420 --> 0:08:41,430 for his allies going to it by 87 0:08:41,550 --> 0:08:44,850 i was i was was very close 88 0:08:44,850 --> 0:08:46,530 to vomit in almost every day and 89 0:08:46,530 --> 0:08:53,010 sometimes i did extremely nauseous can stay 90 0:08:53,010 --> 0:08:55,590 awake that long and i was sleeping 91 0:08:55,590 --> 0:09:00,240 like fourteen hours so i'm doing much 92 0:09:00,240 --> 0:09:03,660 better now but i still had the 93 0:09:03,660 --> 0:09:05,940 pain so i went to the city's 94 0:09:05,940 --> 0:09:08,820 can they looked at my innards and 95 0:09:08,820 --> 0:09:15,660 then but the natural scandal was funny 96 0:09:15,660 --> 0:09:18,210 because the lady was so nice she 97 0:09:18,210 --> 0:09:20,760 was like so energetic can laugh and 98 0:09:20,760 --> 0:09:25,050 and stuff i incredible have that much 99 0:09:25,050 --> 0:09:29,220 energy all day long nine she is 100 0:09:29,220 --> 0:09:31,237 our takes longer to set this up 101 0:09:31,237 --> 0:09:34,710 didn't actually scanners and here as like 102 0:09:34,710 --> 0:09:38,400 most things it's the set up work 103 0:09:38,411 --> 0:09:41,850 that makes you tired spend all day 104 0:09:42,150 --> 0:09:45,330 getting things ready and there now it 105 0:09:45,330 --> 0:09:49,440 takes two seconds but so she set 106 0:09:49,440 --> 0:09:51,360 me up i had to drink the 107 0:09:51,360 --> 0:09:52,440 whole day i had a drink the 108 0:09:52,481 --> 0:09:55,064 stuff caught contrast and so what it 109 0:09:55,064 --> 0:09:57,570 does is it increases the contrast of 110 0:09:57,570 --> 0:09:59,190 the scan so they can see your 111 0:09:59,190 --> 0:10:01,830 organs and everything better they have an 112 0:10:01,860 --> 0:10:04,170 issue that will like that up and 113 0:10:04,170 --> 0:10:07,650 your intestines and stuff so i had 114 0:10:07,650 --> 0:10:10,200 a wake up that i don't make 115 0:10:10,200 --> 0:10:11,580 sure i was a week by eight 116 0:10:11,619 --> 0:10:15,856 sided trinket like six hours before our 117 0:10:15,921 --> 0:10:18,540 six or eight pay i had a 118 0:10:18,540 --> 0:10:27,810 trinket early to to her answer than 119 0:10:27,810 --> 0:10:29,540 i'll drink you know have a bottle 120 0:10:29,940 --> 0:10:32,700 six hours early then another half a 121 0:10:32,700 --> 0:10:41,940 bottle for this is atrocious when you're 122 0:10:41,940 --> 0:10:49,710 scanning gonna try to to stuff however 123 0:10:50,220 --> 0:11:18,383 huh to hear this the it takes 124 0:11:18,383 --> 0:11:22,170 seconds now is my fault for not 125 0:11:22,350 --> 0:11:27,180 having a good weapon my okay sir 126 0:11:27,941 --> 0:11:29,460 during the city's can she is that 127 0:11:29,760 --> 0:11:31,170 takes a long time to set up 128 0:11:31,830 --> 0:11:35,400 and it so i had a drink 129 0:11:36,090 --> 0:11:38,970 the last the contrast and it's nasty 130 0:11:38,970 --> 0:11:42,960 is like a very thick ah they 131 0:11:42,960 --> 0:11:45,900 make it taste like the now selling 132 0:11:46,020 --> 0:11:47,790 it could be worse however as a 133 0:11:47,790 --> 0:11:51,480 kid there was i think it was 134 0:11:51,480 --> 0:11:55,200 like liquid advil or something before for 135 0:11:55,200 --> 0:11:58,560 fevers and that was like had a 136 0:11:59,670 --> 0:12:01,981 like orange juice taste and a what 137 0:12:02,070 --> 0:12:11,340 it didn't taste like orange juice bad 138 0:12:15,390 --> 0:12:17,700 the answer this one wasn't that bad 139 0:12:18,960 --> 0:12:20,220 but it was something or is like 140 0:12:20,220 --> 0:12:21,870 okay you choke it as fast as 141 0:12:21,870 --> 0:12:24,660 you can't from tried not pay attention 142 0:12:24,660 --> 0:12:29,580 to it and so i took the 143 0:12:29,580 --> 0:12:32,940 last of it in and the place 144 0:12:33,360 --> 0:12:35,430 and which is important to the story 145 0:12:35,850 --> 0:12:37,260 and so then she puts the ivy 146 0:12:37,260 --> 0:12:39,420 in my arm but she can't find 147 0:12:40,050 --> 0:12:42,480 my veins so she other literally put 148 0:12:42,480 --> 0:12:45,060 that in the needle in an it 149 0:12:45,060 --> 0:12:46,350 was just like it was just in 150 0:12:46,350 --> 0:12:48,810 there but know in the vain and 151 0:12:48,840 --> 0:12:50,520 locally she didn't pull it out kind 152 0:12:50,520 --> 0:12:52,170 of searched for the rain for awhile 153 0:12:53,010 --> 0:12:56,511 so i wasn't stout multiple times and 154 0:12:56,511 --> 0:12:58,860 that is very unusual cause usually it's 155 0:12:58,860 --> 0:13:03,060 quite easy to how find my veins 156 0:13:03,450 --> 0:13:05,970 had to get a lot of i 157 0:13:05,970 --> 0:13:07,350 usually get a lot of blood tests 158 0:13:07,410 --> 0:13:09,930 or it's not an issue oh no 159 0:13:09,930 --> 0:13:13,770 afraid of needles or anything so she 160 0:13:13,770 --> 0:13:16,346 actually had a switch arms and then 161 0:13:16,380 --> 0:13:18,480 she put the ivy and and so 162 0:13:18,480 --> 0:13:20,730 in addition to drinking the contrast i 163 0:13:20,730 --> 0:13:22,110 was getting it and i v of 164 0:13:22,110 --> 0:13:25,656 contrast and so she was a are 165 0:13:25,920 --> 0:13:27,660 you going to feel so funny things 166 0:13:27,660 --> 0:13:29,910 maybe i tell you all these things 167 0:13:29,910 --> 0:13:32,160 but most people don't feel anything except 168 0:13:32,280 --> 0:13:35,580 that one cheap pumps the contrast it 169 0:13:36,090 --> 0:13:38,200 was exposed to make you feel calm 170 0:13:38,330 --> 0:13:42,660 warm and fuzzy inside okay but she 171 0:13:42,660 --> 0:13:44,550 is a oh you may feel like 172 0:13:44,550 --> 0:13:46,170 you're going to the restroom you may 173 0:13:46,170 --> 0:13:47,610 feel like you've poop to put she 174 0:13:47,610 --> 0:13:52,410 didn't have has a great and she 175 0:13:52,410 --> 0:13:54,840 did all these things said all these 176 0:13:54,840 --> 0:13:57,990 things and so i'm sitting there going 177 0:13:57,990 --> 0:14:00,240 to the machine i'm like i was 178 0:14:00,240 --> 0:14:02,430 nauseous that morning but not so much 179 0:14:03,630 --> 0:14:09,060 a anymore and so first they give 180 0:14:09,060 --> 0:14:19,800 you oh man first they give you 181 0:14:26,520 --> 0:14:33,360 usually at the gas station go around 182 0:14:38,820 --> 0:15:02,400 see what's in here huh left her 183 0:15:07,470 --> 0:15:14,238 take some computer parts no i no 184 0:15:14,280 --> 0:15:36,750 les paul having a sci fi hi 185 0:15:36,753 --> 0:16:07,110 i guess it sci safer huh yeah 186 0:16:09,300 --> 0:16:11,010 cars kind of the safest way to 187 0:16:11,010 --> 0:16:18,996 get to the naylor to to to 188 0:16:19,109 --> 0:16:39,327 do to you harry go higher we 189 0:16:39,327 --> 0:17:04,350 here this was a mistake i can't 190 0:17:04,380 --> 0:17:06,592 believe i survived it that like was 191 0:17:06,592 --> 0:17:09,690 so many enemies we almost had it 192 0:17:09,690 --> 0:17:11,580 to i picked the wrong place to 193 0:17:11,940 --> 0:17:17,400 evacuate they recently but i in and 194 0:17:17,400 --> 0:17:21,240 then i come to us saline first 195 0:17:23,250 --> 0:17:25,770 and she said i was was to 196 0:17:25,770 --> 0:17:27,600 get like this metallic taste in my 197 0:17:27,600 --> 0:17:30,450 mouth can a reaction that's what they 198 0:17:30,450 --> 0:17:31,950 always say when they give you sailing 199 0:17:33,240 --> 0:17:35,640 but it was weird cause like i 200 0:17:35,640 --> 0:17:40,410 had this like really sweet taste and 201 0:17:40,410 --> 0:17:43,920 so then the machine spins up the 202 0:17:43,950 --> 0:17:47,403 and it's funny because it's almost like 203 0:17:47,403 --> 0:17:49,140 a squid game or they have the 204 0:17:49,140 --> 0:17:52,350 lady that saying you know green light 205 0:17:52,350 --> 0:17:57,930 red light by it kenna warms up 206 0:17:58,170 --> 0:18:01,500 start spinning and them and said you 207 0:18:01,500 --> 0:18:04,560 know breathe and then hold your breath 208 0:18:05,400 --> 0:18:07,082 and then see do that a couple 209 0:18:07,082 --> 0:18:08,580 of times but you don't go through 210 0:18:08,580 --> 0:18:13,710 it and then she is ah okay 211 0:18:13,710 --> 0:18:15,000 when it was time for the scan 212 0:18:15,120 --> 0:18:17,370 i can only do three times and 213 0:18:17,370 --> 0:18:18,480 so that when it was time for 214 0:18:18,480 --> 0:18:22,020 the scan she's okay i'm putting the 215 0:18:22,020 --> 0:18:24,540 contrast intervene and it's all remote control 216 0:18:24,540 --> 0:18:27,360 here hooked up to the ivy she 217 0:18:27,360 --> 0:18:29,379 doesn't actually stay in the room because 218 0:18:29,379 --> 0:18:31,590 then she'll get a radiated if she 219 0:18:31,590 --> 0:18:34,830 was there the whole time during all 220 0:18:34,830 --> 0:18:41,070 the scans a her but so then 221 0:18:41,100 --> 0:18:43,380 the contract comes in and i did 222 0:18:43,380 --> 0:18:47,580 feel warm but then i felt instantly 223 0:18:47,580 --> 0:18:50,130 nice yes and size like i was 224 0:18:50,130 --> 0:18:52,560 praying i was like please because sometimes 225 0:18:52,560 --> 0:18:54,840 they do two or three scans who 226 0:18:54,900 --> 0:18:56,280 were they just feed you through the 227 0:18:56,280 --> 0:18:59,760 machine and in and out but luckily 228 0:18:59,760 --> 0:19:02,490 it was only one one scan and 229 0:19:02,490 --> 0:19:03,990 so i'm trying as hard as i 230 0:19:03,990 --> 0:19:06,687 can to not throw up and it 231 0:19:06,687 --> 0:19:09,450 was saying it was really bad and 232 0:19:09,450 --> 0:19:11,460 so then she comes in my go 233 0:19:11,469 --> 0:19:14,010 please come in the room faster and 234 0:19:14,010 --> 0:19:15,810 she's i heard that go as a 235 0:19:15,810 --> 0:19:18,330 i feel really nice yes and then 236 0:19:18,330 --> 0:19:21,510 she'll okay and there has set up 237 0:19:21,510 --> 0:19:23,130 and as i i i need a 238 0:19:23,130 --> 0:19:26,490 pocket and she is a a and 239 0:19:26,490 --> 0:19:29,670 so is funny because there's this like 240 0:19:30,360 --> 0:19:33,570 cheese pillow she's met and that she 241 0:19:33,570 --> 0:19:35,520 put under my legs so that they 242 0:19:35,520 --> 0:19:39,930 stay up and then what to do 243 0:19:40,860 --> 0:20:03,180 huh so there was is she took 244 0:20:03,180 --> 0:20:04,910 that out and asic node are know 245 0:20:04,955 --> 0:20:07,680 gonna it and say that and so 246 0:20:07,680 --> 0:20:10,320 then she got me and bucket and 247 0:20:11,620 --> 0:20:14,890 through in it and it was not 248 0:20:14,890 --> 0:20:16,660 that much it was only the contrast 249 0:20:16,660 --> 0:20:29,410 that i had just taken but can 250 0:20:29,410 --> 0:20:31,840 like you being spawn so close to 251 0:20:31,840 --> 0:20:36,130 these exit points i have to be 252 0:20:36,130 --> 0:20:44,800 careful in he's places cause sometimes a 253 0:20:44,800 --> 0:20:48,220 booby trapped and there's a wire if 254 0:20:48,220 --> 0:20:51,625 you cross it you'll explode and so 255 0:20:52,540 --> 0:21:13,300 he did too san savannah after the 256 0:21:13,300 --> 0:21:15,850 scan i was completely fine after i 257 0:21:15,850 --> 0:21:38,170 threw up which no repeat create a 258 0:21:39,610 --> 0:21:56,320 there was car he sometimes there's weapons 259 0:21:56,710 --> 0:22:32,320 at the top those towers hundred my 260 0:22:32,740 --> 0:22:35,590 say after this tears in her carry 261 0:22:35,590 --> 0:22:37,540 see you do is ask for a 262 0:22:37,540 --> 0:22:40,690 cd because sometimes the way it works 263 0:22:40,690 --> 0:22:44,560 is the radiologist will look at your 264 0:22:44,560 --> 0:22:47,170 scan and and biggest they write a 265 0:22:47,170 --> 0:22:49,030 report and they get the report your 266 0:22:49,030 --> 0:22:52,030 doctor the doctor usually won't even get 267 0:22:52,030 --> 0:22:56,650 the image and so the radiologist looks 268 0:22:56,650 --> 0:22:57,760 where things and the really good at 269 0:22:57,760 --> 0:23:08,683 finding stuff by her know it's with 270 0:23:08,683 --> 0:23:52,690 my controller huh hank so as for 271 0:23:52,690 --> 0:23:55,570 the cd and know okay we'll give 272 0:23:55,570 --> 0:23:57,220 it to and i'm sitting in the 273 0:23:57,220 --> 0:24:00,310 waiting room to do do and it 274 0:24:00,310 --> 0:24:01,810 was funny cause it was like five 275 0:24:01,810 --> 0:24:05,200 or six people in there and they 276 0:24:05,200 --> 0:24:08,020 were scanning people quick it was like 277 0:24:08,560 --> 0:24:10,360 one person then the next person done 278 0:24:12,820 --> 0:24:15,010 and then now it was funny this 279 0:24:15,010 --> 0:24:17,770 one lady was company complimenting my pants 280 0:24:18,280 --> 0:24:19,870 i usually try to not wearing thin 281 0:24:19,870 --> 0:24:23,350 metal and a cities can cause kinda 282 0:24:24,220 --> 0:24:28,120 it blocks the things they can see 283 0:24:28,540 --> 0:24:30,520 so i was worried he's my pajama 284 0:24:30,550 --> 0:24:33,670 pants which didn't have any metal and 285 0:24:33,670 --> 0:24:35,260 really was i on your pants like 286 0:24:35,260 --> 0:24:38,380 so comfortable there like the sheep fake 287 0:24:38,890 --> 0:24:42,970 sheepskin a pajamas as i think you 288 0:24:44,860 --> 0:24:48,400 and was waiting in is like been 289 0:24:48,670 --> 0:24:50,440 twenty minutes which is funny because the 290 0:24:51,130 --> 0:24:53,230 this can only took great maybe ten 291 0:24:53,230 --> 0:24:55,660 minutes and i said before her it 292 0:24:55,720 --> 0:24:58,960 was like nine minutes of putting the 293 0:24:58,960 --> 0:25:01,720 ivy and name laying down on the 294 0:25:01,720 --> 0:25:04,330 table and it was like thirty seconds 295 0:25:04,510 --> 0:25:09,520 for the actual scanned and in the 296 0:25:09,520 --> 0:25:11,560 way around it to and then finally 297 0:25:11,560 --> 0:25:13,270 i go up and i'm waiting for 298 0:25:13,270 --> 0:25:22,120 a desk and her oh lessons for 299 0:25:22,120 --> 0:25:45,192 there but there's less of around and 300 0:25:45,192 --> 0:25:47,440 there's no they were never gonna give 301 0:25:47,440 --> 0:25:49,120 it to me that's not what they 302 0:25:49,120 --> 0:25:52,000 said bay they didn't get the note 303 0:25:52,030 --> 0:25:53,410 that i was waiting for a cd 304 0:25:54,070 --> 0:25:56,590 so then she rented back in got 305 0:25:56,590 --> 0:26:01,720 it for me he says a good 306 0:26:01,720 --> 0:26:20,474 thing i asked he's usually not enemies 307 0:26:20,474 --> 0:27:38,140 in here huh now huh and now 308 0:27:38,260 --> 0:27:42,430 is that was what happened for the 309 0:27:42,430 --> 0:27:44,320 city's cancer got the desk and i 310 0:27:44,320 --> 0:27:47,500 looked at it and it was hard 311 0:27:47,500 --> 0:27:52,810 to read but a century i had 312 0:27:52,810 --> 0:28:00,160 this huge amount of oh like air 313 0:28:00,160 --> 0:28:03,460 stuck in my intestines and is funny 314 0:28:03,460 --> 0:28:06,040 because a joke i'm like big hero 315 0:28:06,040 --> 0:28:09,370 six i'm just a giant balloon and 316 0:28:09,370 --> 0:28:19,600 then that was there and then i 317 0:28:19,600 --> 0:28:25,392 had can i was tech giant blockage 318 0:28:25,392 --> 0:28:30,130 in my intestines hence has a on 319 0:28:30,130 --> 0:28:31,750 us can take forever for them to 320 0:28:31,750 --> 0:28:35,020 read this is usually like it takes 321 0:28:35,020 --> 0:28:36,700 some agree the a week or so 322 0:28:37,360 --> 0:28:43,060 depending on how busy there so wait 323 0:28:43,060 --> 0:28:44,920 forever to see what you know the 324 0:28:44,920 --> 0:28:47,590 radiologist says and the next day they 325 0:28:48,460 --> 0:28:50,680 the email me with my health care 326 0:28:52,630 --> 0:28:57,460 the give me or email anytime something's 327 0:28:57,460 --> 0:29:00,040 added to my file so i read 328 0:29:00,040 --> 0:29:01,480 it and it was funny because and 329 0:29:01,660 --> 0:29:05,140 oh yeah there's a black age and 330 0:29:07,540 --> 0:29:09,850 essentially i was impacted which is really 331 0:29:09,850 --> 0:29:15,490 gross and seven they were thing there 332 0:29:15,490 --> 0:29:17,590 are other things they found to they 333 0:29:17,590 --> 0:29:19,810 were like our it turns out i 334 0:29:19,810 --> 0:29:23,950 have scoliosis thoroughly your spine years they 335 0:29:23,950 --> 0:29:26,920 said something funny it wasn't mild they 336 0:29:26,920 --> 0:29:32,350 said it's moderately curved which is funny 337 0:29:32,770 --> 0:29:34,300 it's my mom's always they are you're 338 0:29:34,300 --> 0:29:36,850 always in a sitting crooked know you 339 0:29:36,850 --> 0:29:39,880 gotta align yourself to ny tire like 340 0:29:39,880 --> 0:29:42,310 i have a crooked spy leave me 341 0:29:42,310 --> 0:29:47,500 alone so that was funny it wasn't 342 0:29:47,500 --> 0:29:48,940 your a thing i was looking for 343 0:30:54,200 --> 0:31:29,480 yeah name is more or and i 344 0:31:29,480 --> 0:32:31,989 thought my random now iran weapons are 345 0:32:32,000 --> 0:32:34,700 really bad and the beginning and do 346 0:32:34,700 --> 0:32:38,150 better with long ranged things i got 347 0:32:38,150 --> 0:32:40,070 like two shotguns have a know the 348 0:32:40,084 --> 0:32:49,670 stream yeah so now we knew i 349 0:32:49,670 --> 0:32:51,560 was constipated which is didn't know how 350 0:32:51,560 --> 0:32:56,690 bad it was those pretty bad answer 351 0:32:56,690 --> 0:33:02,600 like so it's funding and they found 352 0:33:02,600 --> 0:33:05,510 my bladder and like i'm i'm known 353 0:33:05,510 --> 0:33:07,340 for having to go the restroom ally 354 0:33:08,990 --> 0:33:12,350 and there just kind of figure like 355 0:33:12,350 --> 0:33:15,650 maybe my prostate was large but in 356 0:33:15,650 --> 0:33:17,210 the scan they're like keep have a 357 0:33:17,300 --> 0:33:20,480 tiny one and answering how rude but 358 0:33:20,480 --> 0:33:28,100 that's good by my bladder is like 359 0:33:28,100 --> 0:33:34,700 completely sandwiched against against the wall of 360 0:33:34,700 --> 0:33:36,740 my abdomen size like no wonder how 361 0:33:36,740 --> 0:33:38,180 to go to the restroom so often 362 0:33:40,970 --> 0:33:43,880 it was like i was pregnant and 363 0:33:46,190 --> 0:33:51,950 hopefully on articles often anymore once it's 364 0:33:51,950 --> 0:33:56,330 fixed may i went for the past 365 0:33:56,630 --> 0:34:01,610 month i've been taking relax twice a 366 0:34:01,610 --> 0:34:04,340 day on the ballot says to do 367 0:34:04,430 --> 0:34:06,290 once a day but the doctor issuing 368 0:34:06,290 --> 0:34:07,640 now your to do it twice a 369 0:34:07,640 --> 0:34:10,190 day i always drink a lot of 370 0:34:10,190 --> 0:34:12,530 fluid but now i'm shifting even more 371 0:34:12,770 --> 0:34:14,450 i like two gallons of water a 372 0:34:14,450 --> 0:34:20,960 day and just straight a wider as 373 0:34:20,960 --> 0:34:22,970 funny because i've been doing a lot 374 0:34:22,970 --> 0:34:26,030 of research and a lotta it's something 375 0:34:26,030 --> 0:34:31,160 like seventy percent of americans friday hydrated 376 0:34:31,730 --> 0:34:32,990 and then of the ones that are 377 0:34:32,990 --> 0:34:36,080 dehydrate ninety percent of them don't even 378 0:34:36,080 --> 0:34:38,570 drink the one cup of water and 379 0:34:38,570 --> 0:34:42,020 so like you need street water not 380 0:34:42,329 --> 0:34:44,870 water with things in it to be 381 0:34:44,870 --> 0:34:48,830 hydrated and so has like how does 382 0:34:51,950 --> 0:34:55,880 you know americans why not just is 383 0:34:55,882 --> 0:34:58,010 how does someone not drink a single 384 0:34:58,010 --> 0:35:02,780 couple of water and i mean and 385 0:35:02,780 --> 0:35:07,730 so i guess people drink coffee which 386 0:35:07,730 --> 0:35:27,314 doesn't count is hydration and by or 387 0:35:27,320 --> 0:35:29,930 soda or anything but don't you drink 388 0:35:29,930 --> 0:35:33,770 when cup of a water and as 389 0:35:33,770 --> 0:36:17,000 a while that's incredible someone or a 390 0:36:17,060 --> 0:36:38,390 few as for my last year so 391 0:36:38,390 --> 0:36:41,121 that was interesting so i've been drinking 392 0:36:41,121 --> 0:36:43,490 of straight water and coffee is actually 393 0:36:43,490 --> 0:36:47,150 the opposite hydration it it will dehydrate 394 0:36:47,150 --> 0:36:51,320 you so i have been making my 395 0:36:51,330 --> 0:36:56,030 coffee significantly ah weaker and the only 396 0:36:56,030 --> 0:36:57,950 thing is if you drink coffee russian 397 0:36:58,100 --> 0:37:02,990 eat while you drink coffee because coffee 398 0:37:02,990 --> 0:37:07,070 will actually block you from observing iron 399 0:37:07,580 --> 0:37:10,670 like you need iron sir your blood's 400 0:37:10,675 --> 0:37:16,130 not anemic so if you drink coffee 401 0:37:16,130 --> 0:37:20,930 should just drink it by itself and 402 0:37:20,930 --> 0:37:26,660 now why does the donor cantor's that 403 0:37:27,290 --> 0:37:31,010 and so but i'm taking merrill acts 404 0:37:31,010 --> 0:37:34,970 like crazy and friday i just started 405 0:37:34,970 --> 0:37:40,070 taking metamucil and and that's what that 406 0:37:40,116 --> 0:37:42,560 is edge fiber and so fiber is 407 0:37:42,560 --> 0:37:46,010 things your intestines can't process i'm very 408 0:37:46,010 --> 0:37:49,970 well so it essentially just kind of 409 0:37:49,970 --> 0:37:54,170 cleans out your intestines and so with 410 0:37:54,650 --> 0:37:56,060 with fiber you have to start off 411 0:37:56,060 --> 0:37:59,390 slowly or else bad things happen i 412 0:37:59,396 --> 0:38:01,670 kill start cramping and you can actually 413 0:38:01,670 --> 0:38:06,560 become more constipated so i started friday 414 0:38:06,650 --> 0:38:12,151 doing windows a day within wednesday and 415 0:38:12,170 --> 0:38:18,710 to go up to two doses but 416 0:38:20,690 --> 0:38:24,950 none those other medications i take for 417 0:38:24,950 --> 0:38:30,770 it starfleet starts working the been a 418 0:38:30,770 --> 0:38:36,170 month so far since i've started all 419 0:38:36,170 --> 0:38:38,660 the stuff and they said it's gonna 420 0:38:38,660 --> 0:38:43,040 take a long time my next doctor's 421 0:38:43,040 --> 0:38:52,042 appointment is january i know back to 422 0:38:52,042 --> 0:39:34,700 a shack as take the book huh 423 0:39:34,700 --> 0:39:59,960 huh this is actually good practice i 424 0:39:59,960 --> 0:40:02,990 live in michigan and pointed the projects 425 0:40:02,990 --> 0:40:04,040 are going to be working on is 426 0:40:04,040 --> 0:40:10,250 doing some underwater photography and lakes and 427 0:40:10,250 --> 0:40:13,670 stuff as well as pines i do 428 0:40:13,670 --> 0:40:17,170 have a rerun of the footage like 429 0:40:17,170 --> 0:40:29,890 it ha but i have an inflatable 430 0:40:29,890 --> 0:40:33,790 kayak which show was disappointed i got 431 0:40:33,790 --> 0:40:39,970 it and in august but i wasn't 432 0:40:39,970 --> 0:40:41,350 able to use it because i had 433 0:40:41,410 --> 0:40:44,770 covered and that lasted about a month 434 0:40:44,950 --> 0:40:47,680 as well i would i get sick 435 0:40:47,680 --> 0:40:57,640 i get really sick who's to handle 436 0:40:57,790 --> 0:41:27,730 ways to go huh hi but i 437 0:41:28,090 --> 0:41:33,820 do plan on getting know an inflatable 438 0:41:35,050 --> 0:41:38,290 raft not raft but i'm looking at 439 0:41:38,350 --> 0:41:42,160 the burris band and the think it 440 0:41:42,160 --> 0:41:45,760 was called like newport what they're expensive 441 0:41:46,720 --> 0:41:48,280 i'm going to be applying to jobs 442 0:41:48,340 --> 0:41:50,140 online i really thought i would do 443 0:41:50,140 --> 0:41:53,110 something like in retail again but my 444 0:41:53,110 --> 0:41:59,680 abdomen is like really sensitive and so 445 0:41:59,680 --> 0:42:04,180 like i can't lift things i gotta 446 0:42:05,890 --> 0:42:08,500 i had shelves or for my room 447 0:42:08,500 --> 0:42:16,180 and they're like small shelves and in 448 0:42:16,960 --> 0:42:27,039 what to do it helicopter just at 449 0:42:27,039 --> 0:42:45,130 it ends he's very exciting you know 450 0:42:45,130 --> 0:43:01,510 we're here all the doors are open 451 0:43:01,639 --> 0:43:04,780 so there might be somebody in here 452 0:43:05,440 --> 0:43:48,160 what do too two huh her fingers 453 0:43:48,160 --> 0:44:34,150 crossed trader used to cover of the 454 0:44:34,150 --> 0:44:49,900 train her so close please he might 455 0:44:49,900 --> 0:45:12,520 do it i might do it he 456 0:45:12,609 --> 0:45:15,730 i do it have a safe place 457 0:45:17,269 --> 0:45:21,100 i don't see anyone coming up her 458 0:45:22,000 --> 0:45:40,750 hundred there's only one do too they're 459 0:45:40,750 --> 0:45:46,600 gonna do one more hey one more 460 0:45:46,660 --> 0:46:48,100 go huh huh where good news is 461 0:46:48,100 --> 0:46:50,530 over a week i finally did an 462 0:46:50,530 --> 0:46:54,100 update i wrote this program with go 463 0:46:55,060 --> 0:46:59,470 now and python jingle is this a 464 0:46:59,470 --> 0:47:01,720 framework for pattern where you can still 465 0:47:01,720 --> 0:47:05,116 read python but it it's inside of 466 0:47:05,116 --> 0:47:08,440 the website so you can control the 467 0:47:08,440 --> 0:47:11,920 python code her feel web interface and 468 0:47:11,920 --> 0:47:14,830 so written this program that allows me 469 0:47:14,830 --> 0:47:17,410 to i do things like render in 470 0:47:17,410 --> 0:47:20,140 blender and do encoding with the ever 471 0:47:20,204 --> 0:47:23,980 and big on my server without me 472 0:47:23,980 --> 0:47:27,160 having to ssh in the the terminal 473 0:47:28,000 --> 0:47:30,640 so it's so much nicer and so 474 0:47:30,640 --> 0:47:32,980 i wrote this one part of the 475 0:47:33,640 --> 0:47:36,880 and website and it essentially it lets 476 0:47:36,880 --> 0:47:39,010 you run any python script you want 477 0:47:40,360 --> 0:47:41,530 now you have to tell it what 478 0:47:41,710 --> 0:47:44,590 python scripts you have that i have 479 0:47:44,590 --> 0:47:52,120 like maybe hundreds python scripts known for 480 0:47:52,120 --> 0:47:54,460 doing different things and some of our 481 0:47:54,460 --> 0:47:58,600 for like doing different things no but 482 0:47:58,600 --> 0:48:12,370 slightly different dude and it did today 483 0:48:13,300 --> 0:48:24,190 and dirt this is not idea sometimes 484 0:48:24,190 --> 0:48:34,390 there's a vote in here i'll do 485 0:48:34,390 --> 0:48:39,760 one more that was ridiculous and or 486 0:48:39,790 --> 0:48:42,250 select isn't as one pay python script 487 0:48:42,250 --> 0:48:43,720 to have up and running and so 488 0:48:43,720 --> 0:48:45,580 what it does is it renders and 489 0:48:45,580 --> 0:48:49,540 blender no my animations or video edits 490 0:48:50,050 --> 0:48:53,440 and but it renders one hundred frames 491 0:48:54,400 --> 0:48:56,560 at a time saver do one hundred 492 0:48:56,560 --> 0:48:59,201 frames and then stop and say okay 493 0:48:59,201 --> 0:49:02,320 have stopped it frame one hundred and 494 0:49:02,320 --> 0:49:03,880 then it will start again but it 495 0:49:03,880 --> 0:49:06,190 will go from hundred and one to 496 0:49:06,190 --> 0:49:10,690 frame two hundred and so reason why 497 0:49:10,720 --> 0:49:12,130 does it that way is in case 498 0:49:12,130 --> 0:49:15,040 there's a power outage your something fails 499 0:49:15,040 --> 0:49:18,010 on the server and it restarts randomly 500 0:49:19,132 --> 0:49:22,030 it has a safe point and so 501 0:49:22,030 --> 0:49:23,230 that when you go to render again 502 0:49:23,230 --> 0:49:24,940 it just picks up it left off 503 0:49:26,440 --> 0:49:29,500 and that has been so helpful because 504 0:49:29,500 --> 0:49:32,950 if her if a render fails in 505 0:49:32,970 --> 0:49:36,280 blender or anything really and premier i 506 0:49:36,310 --> 0:49:37,570 you have to start over from the 507 0:49:37,570 --> 0:49:44,350 beginning and you know it takes the 508 0:49:44,350 --> 0:49:47,170 whole time as with animations i'm working 509 0:49:47,170 --> 0:49:49,600 with twenty or thirty or fifty mega 510 0:49:49,600 --> 0:49:53,530 pixel images so it's doing when frame 511 0:49:54,490 --> 0:49:56,980 at like two seconds takes two seconds 512 0:49:56,980 --> 0:50:00,700 to do one free and there are 513 0:50:00,700 --> 0:50:03,880 thirty frames i have thirty fps at 514 0:50:03,880 --> 0:50:06,880 thirty frames and know in a second 515 0:50:07,000 --> 0:50:08,170 so you can see how long that 516 0:50:08,170 --> 0:50:09,730 takes of as to do thirty frames 517 0:50:09,730 --> 0:50:11,440 per one second and you join takes 518 0:50:11,440 --> 0:50:14,380 two seconds you know it it takes 519 0:50:14,380 --> 0:50:16,060 a minute to do one second term 520 0:50:17,250 --> 0:50:20,490 the nation the my animations or larger 521 0:50:21,330 --> 0:50:26,280 they're like ten two can even be 522 0:50:26,280 --> 0:50:29,190 an hour long animations it's a doing 523 0:50:29,220 --> 0:50:33,510 the what the save points if it 524 0:50:33,510 --> 0:50:36,720 fails and it's been like seven hours 525 0:50:39,090 --> 0:50:41,040 it starts up again from where it 526 0:50:41,310 --> 0:50:43,650 the last place it you know succeeded 527 0:50:45,870 --> 0:50:47,760 so had that have been running but 528 0:50:47,760 --> 0:50:50,430 i didn't have a status report so 529 0:50:51,120 --> 0:50:52,560 i would know that it's running because 530 0:50:52,560 --> 0:50:54,900 i would check on there on the 531 0:50:54,900 --> 0:50:57,450 terminal i would ssh into the server 532 0:50:58,650 --> 0:51:01,650 but i just added couple days ago 533 0:51:04,530 --> 0:51:06,930 this part of the web page and 534 0:51:06,930 --> 0:51:09,030 it tells you okay ads on this 535 0:51:09,030 --> 0:51:11,940 frame it's a no sixty percent done 536 0:51:12,630 --> 0:51:14,670 and then it will tell you okay 537 0:51:14,730 --> 0:51:16,680 finished this project and move onto the 538 0:51:16,680 --> 0:51:20,370 next not because i work kind of 539 0:51:20,370 --> 0:51:25,740 in batches world animate almost a whole 540 0:51:25,740 --> 0:51:28,770 project and then i submit to render 541 0:51:30,210 --> 0:51:31,710 the one project i have i have 542 0:51:32,100 --> 0:51:37,170 an immediate the first ten animations and 543 0:51:37,170 --> 0:51:39,570 then i'm gonna do another set for 544 0:51:39,570 --> 0:52:05,250 something else at the same photos and 545 0:52:05,250 --> 0:52:12,570 it to do smiley my own business 546 0:52:23,730 --> 0:52:35,190 how rude so it ended here i 547 0:52:35,190 --> 0:52:37,831 think iran for coming out and we 548 0:52:37,831 --> 0:52:40,320 have learned this to you tube and 549 0:52:40,410 --> 0:52:41,580 it's probably going to come out and 550 0:52:41,580 --> 0:52:44,910 pie cast for i stream anthems united 551 0:52:44,910 --> 0:52:48,510 on twitch the photography area and everything 552 0:52:48,510 --> 0:52:50,790 i do and creative stuff is petitions 553 0:52:51,570 --> 0:52:53,790 i heard of rotation stay calm is 554 0:52:53,790 --> 0:52:57,454 a store petition stored aka and bespoke 555 0:52:57,454 --> 0:53:00,690 flirtations p h o t a t 556 0:53:00,690 --> 0:53:05,190 Photations.com 557 0:53:05,880 --> 0:53:09,510 dot com thank you for coming by 558 0:53:10,080 --> 0:53:10,740 see you later

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